Prior to your Appointment

Please refrain from consuming caffeinated beverages prior to your service, in addition to over the counter blood thinners such as aspirin. Certain vitamins should be avoided the week before treatment, which include, Vitamin E, Niacin and Omega 3. Limit intense sun exposure and tanning 4-6 days before treatment


What to expect

A topical lidocaine cream will be applied to ensure the comfort of your service, as well liquid lidocaine during the service to numb the area being treated. The service is about 2.5 hours and includes different detailed measurements that are implemented to properly shape and design the perfect brow that is best suited for your facial features. Careful color analysis when choosing tattoo pigments and a specific blade for your skin type.




DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate off. Picking can cause scarring and pigment loss!

COMPLETELY avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds for a minimum of 4 weeks after your procedure.  Direct sunlight can cause the pigment to change color while it is healing and can also cause hyper pigmentation and scarring.  

Avoid pool, sauna, steam rooms, hot showers and/or hot baths for 3 weeks.

Avoid sweating for a full 10 days. Any physical effort, gym, hot weather, any other activity that may cause sweating through or on the brows will cause the "hairstrokes" to blur under the skin, there is no fixing this.

Avoid sleeping on your face/brows for the first 10 days.

NO makeup or skincare products to be used on the treated area for two weeks.

NO facials, chemical treatments and microdermabrasion for 4 weeks.

After 10 days, once the area has healed completely, consider using sunblock when going out in the sun to stop the color from fading.

Eyebrow tinting should not be undertaken for 2 weeks after your procedure.

Avoid Retin-A, Chemical Peels and Microderms around the brow area once healed.